Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Unequal Education Movie

Today in class we watched  a video called Unequal Education.  It followed two different students, one from Riverdale, Bronx and the other Southfordhum, Bronx.  It was crazy to see the difference in these two schools.  The Riverdale school is from a richer part of town and it doesn’t have a lot of diversity.  On the otherhand, Southfordhum is a school that is located in a poorer part of town.  There are many differences in these two towns.  Some of the differences consist of Riverdale having qualified teachers, outdoor track, nicer school, and positive attitudes.  Where as Southfordhum’s teachers aren’t qualified, they have negative attitudes and they don’t have microscopes for example.    I feel that these differences are due to the amout of funding that the school is recieving.  In class we talked about how it isn’t fair for some schools to have large amounts of money in their school and in other schools there isn’t enough money.  The money that a school recieves mainly comes from taxes within the community.  So the richer the community the more money the school recieves.  I’m glad that we watched this movie in class because it brought up the unequal education issue.  It really showed the differences and challenges that are occuring within schools.  This is a huge issue and I know there isn’t a simple solution to fix this problem. 

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