Thursday, February 17, 2011

Private Effort to Improve India’s Public Education

The schools in India, we could say they aren't very nice.  The students have to sit on the concrete floor and their lunches are cooked outside behind the school on a fire of burning branches.  Many students dropout before they even reach the tenth grade.  But Azim H. Premji is donating money and trying to improve the school system.  They are trying to train teachers and guide teachers that are already working with the students.  I think it's great that this man is putting the effort in to help out schools in India.  In India, the government wants its students to memorize and have its students take stressful tests at the end of the year, but many of the students end up failing.  But with Premji, he is trying to have the students be creative thinkers.  This article aslo listed some statistics about how students are doing in their classes and it makes me more aware about where other countries are.  I didn't realize they they were so low compared to China. I think what Azim H. Premji is doing!

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,
    You have some great blog reflections. There are a few blog posts that are missing. Work to keep up on the weekly posts. I look forward to reading more!
